The Army of Fun (432hz)
"The Army of Fun (432hz)" is an underground soul production established by the great master of sounds, Richard Greenyer - The Unknow Alien (Artist name). Here I Present the very deep magical journey of art and life, since I was welcomed by Richard to join the group with my art and heart. A journey that continues to evolve, through the beautiful and meaningful gathering of music, art, and dance. Gatherings and events that are mind and heart opening, using the expressive languages of art to bring to better universal human connection through music, art, and dance.
A story of light
Our path crossed, what connected us was purely the music, especially the psychedelic of the free spirits, psytrance and beyond, the colors, the dance, and the human souls that seek unconditional love and light. I present to you highlights of the long journey so far, reflecting the growing art and light, through the gatherings I joined with my art and heart. "The Army of Fun (432hz)" is a family and a home that keeps growing. The road is evolving and showing itself. I am so happy to share this love and light to the cosmos.
The very start
I was seeking good music to my ears and soul, carrying my colors and fabrics as usual in my bag, hoping to find some good sounds and experience to visualize and reflect on a new surface of life. This time it was different though, I was back after three years of inner journey (Berlin time) connecting back to my authentic self of colors, music, and dance.
One spontaneous Saturday I joined friends hoping for a nice time to our ears, hearts, and body. At the entrance, I met a man, who handed me a CD disc to enjoy for my time after. I joined the party, it felt good, I looked for the production staff to ask for a permission to stretch my fabric and paint.
The very same "man" was the party owner and he was more than welcoming, I stretched the fabric and went on reflecting the musical sounds, rhythm, and beats. It was just perfection to my life as I do always feel when I perform this act of art and light.
I found some videos- not a quality but happy to have a documentaion of this very first meeting. tried to make it look better with little edits.
Back home with a new CD in my car, the music played again and again, day by day I started noticing that this CD was different. It has sounds that made me relax and calm down whenever I needed or when I wanted to breath far away from the craziness of reality and life far away from the cities and even villages, I seek the open spaces. I was going back to it, playing some tracks repeatedly. I wasn’t yet aware of the frequencies in music sounds and all, but I had my soul, senses and good ears to hear and listen well, my colors and brushes are to reflect the journey, the brush reveals the good flowing of lines, it is not just a painting, but following the sounds, the rhythm and beats, plus, I had my body that responded to all of that in movement and dance. I do feel when it is good or bad, and usually I know it is this and not else or another (same as with Stefan – I met lots of artists, but his soul through the sounds he picked to perform were different, they were soft and floating, deep and high in life, the soul would dive in a harmonious rhythmic move. It is pure love and light).
Gradually, all I was wishing for is to meet this man who handed me the CD again, to thank him for this healing light that was of a perfect timing to my life and the highly challenging time I had in life. Yes, I wanted to learn more.
Months later, I attended the “Moksha” event, I saw him, I had this huge smile, I couldn’t hold myself to approach him and say what I felt that he should hear and know. To thank him for this light. And I did, I introduced myself and so he did, so that very man in that event in mountains now has a name, Richard…Richard Greenyer aka The Unknow Alien.
Since then almost a decade passed, and the journey evolved into a magical connection of music, art and life. I Share with you some precious moments of our journey, where I join my voice, heart and art through the "Alhan Academy for art and life" project and AlhanArt to the one of the Army of Fun 432hz that completes the missing parts in my path. Perfect connection it is.
I share not in chronological order. We connect through the expressive languages of art, the music, the colors, and the dance.
This is a timeless love and light, I join my voice, heart, and art to join this call for oneness, unity, and love. Seeking the souls beyond the physical and earthly definitions of mankind. As we are all ONE.
Event at Bat Shlomo
Alien's B-Day
This was the legendary yearly Alien's B-day 2022. Location is magical, the staff was there a night before.
This was the first ofiicial exhibition of the stage art -deco that AlhanArt produced especially for the event and family.
A sister's gift to a brother, I was welcomed by the Alien and I'm here to stay and give back as long as the journey grows.
The art Deco was produced two month prior to the event, I worked on it carefully with much love from A to Z. from the wood cutting and design to the painting and final finishes.
When things are done of pure free love the magic works in lights and glitters... and this how our 2022 event was.
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Event in the Woods - Covid-19 times
The call was stronger than any reality. Through the whole pandemic, we gathered every two weeks in a new spot that was explored by the Alien, the healer, and the guide, who granted us pure cure to continue spread love in dark times around. Every two weeks another piece of mother nature was invaded to bring our love energy to and get back the cure, through music, art, love, and light.
Usually from night till Sunrise... and we spread home after, holding a new fresh light in our hearts to bring it out to the world.
My art and heart were always there, growing from time to another. Bringing this passion of painting and light to another souls. I usually opened a spot and brought colors for the free and open use for whoever likes.
Me? I always have my own new or old surface to continue document and feel the light.
Event in the Carmel woods - Alien's B-Day
It is the annual celebration in the Army of Fun 432hz. Beautiful spot in the Carmel, nice people, nice vibe. I put some candles for the night, some around art deco was produced from recycling of daily materials, supporting the zero-waste approach for green living.
An art station was open for anyone who wanted to express his/her feelings in colors (See the mushroom painting- done by a nice dancer).
The vibe was so familial, simple, and bright. Lovely sunrise, lovely spirits all dancing to the sounds of great music by great souls. The paintings of our journey were exhibited all around, documenting many precious moments of life.
The Army of fun (432hz)
Background: About the group "The army of fun (432hz), (It is highly important I present you to the integral parts of light that my soul and art connectes to in my journey).
A vision and an initiative that started back in 2012, by Richard Greenyer aka. The Unknown Alien, aiming to spread love and light through awakening the senses to the light resources of the cosmos. The name “The Army of Fun” promotes the message of oneness and unity. The Army is of light, the weapons are of light and love, through sounds, frequencies, nature, colors, and dance.
The “432hz” part is there to spread the important message of light through one of the main universal expressive languages of the soul connecting humanity: music. In addition, to connect and learn the light frequencies in our surrounding, the way they affect us starting from one of the most important resources of human survival and vital living: water. This is another light part that is reflected and well explained by Richard himself:
“Now I don't know or not if you are aware of the intonation standard which was brought in in 1955 that gives us 12 tones and a concert pitch (A)=440hz just as the era, of mass music consumption started. Unfortunately, this is not an octave of light, unlike the one the ancients classic Indian Vedic traditions and classic Chinese traditions were based on, which are light octaves (an (A)=432hz) even our iconic classic string instruments were tuned this way.
Look for yourself at the understanding of the 432hz=A and draw your own understanding. Google it I think you will be surprised, (active participation).
Now the problem all starts in the water (it makes about 70 percent of us and is fascinating stuff which, we as humanity are starting to remember how to use. water remembers frequency patterns (search structured water). By exposing our waters to music at a good volume on the 432hz scale we can re-pattern them for our mutual benefit.
So, if everything you hear is made around this intonation (A)=440hz), as most of the worldwide music in all genres, it is not an octave of our current fractal of light existence then, it's a way of polluting our bodies in a manner that works on our DNA in a non-beneficial manner and has helped mankind get to this rotten state of being.
Personally, I’ve got new ears (432hz) to break the 440hz demon and bringing some fresh ideas to my life and others through the languages and skills I master; sound, music, frequencies, movement, and nature loving and living to help, especially our psytrance scene which, to our surprise, we have found that is somewhat still behind in starting this great new exploration to help our evolving consciousness.”
The Army of Fun (432hz) is an open ground that supports advancing ideas on the free use of sound to create a new dawn new tunings and 432hz healing.The “Army of Fun (432hz)” initiates beautiful light gatherings in the open spaces of mother nature. A gathering that is growing and attracting new messengers of light to our world and cosmos.
Click here to join “The Army of Fun (432hz)” on Facebook – follow our events and happenings.
Click Here to follow Richard Greenyer aka “The Unknowm Alien”. You will enjoy his great and precious light worldwide collection of music and his great long heart and mind opening sets on SoundCloud.